Entire Podiatry


Entire Podiatry – corns and calluses

Corns and calluses. What are they? Well, they are areas of skin affected by excessive rubbing. This is often usually caused by shoes that don’t fit well, excessive activity or abnormal mechanics of the feet. Both corns and calluses can become really painful, but will...

Painful arches? Try these simple stretches

One of the most common causes of arch pain is plantar fasciitis, a condition that involves inflammation of the fibrous band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes (the plantar fascia). Pain from plantar fasciitis can be felt in the arch or the heel, and is most...

Can podiatrists help with hip bursitis?

Here at the Brisbane based Entire Podiatry, our highly trained and experienced podiatrists have seen countless varieties of conditions and injuries come through the doors. We pride ourselves on being experts in treating our clients using the latest research and...