Kokoda Challenge
Entire Podiatry have been a proud supporter of the Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge event since 2014. This is a gruelling event which sees participants trek 15km, 30km, 48km or 96km of rough and rugged terrain of the Gold Coast Hinterland.
The event begins bright and early in the morning, goes on through the night and most participants finish sometime the following day. It’s an incredible achievement to finish this event.
Believe it or not, blisters and foot pain is one of the main causes of people withdrawing from the event. That’s where Entire Podiatry come in to help!
Entire Podiatry have two ‘check-points’ along the track, where we have set up a “podiatry first aid centre”. Our podiatrists volunteer their time (often well past midnight on a crisp July evening) in order to provide podiatry care to the participants to keep them going! And you know what? We love it!
This treatment usually involves foot, ankle and knee strapping for those experiencing pain as well as lots and lots of blister management (Yes, that means popping and looking after some seriously nasty blisters) and doing whatever we can to get the feet over the finish line.
Would you consider taking on the challenge? For more information on how to register, visit the Kokoda Challenge website.