Entire Podiatry


Blister prevention for trailwalkers

Have you signed up for a long-distance trailwalk this Winter? In the next couple of months, thousands of people will be participating in events which involve walking up to 100km, such as the Oxfam Trailwalker in Brisbane and the Kokoda Challenge on the Gold Coast.

If you are training for one of these events, you have probably already noticed how important it will be to look after your feet, so that you can make it to the finish line. Although you may have never had a problem with blisters in the past, blisters commonly develop when walking this kind of distance.

But help is at hand! Many people volunteer to support the participants in these events. This year, Podiatrist Pan Jayasinghe from Entire Podiatry (pictured) will be among those volunteering at Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane. Pan will be helping participants in this test of endurance by providing treatment for painful blisters and other foot injuries that may develop during the event.

In the lead up and preparation for a long distance trailwalking event, there are things you can do to help prevent blisters developing. Here are some tips from the team at Entire Podiatry:

  • Avoid using moisturisers on your feet before the event. Moisture is one of the main factors that make blisters worse.
  • Make sure the shoes you wear for the event fit properly, and are well broken in prior to the event.
  • Wearing thick socks helps to reduce friction on the skin, but you need to make sure your shoes are roomy enough to accommodate your socks. Remember that your feet will swell during the event, and wearing thick socks with tight shoes may cause rubbing.
  • Change your socks regularly at checkpoints along the walk to help keep your feet dry.

Good luck to everyone who is participating in one of the fundraising trailwalker events this year, and in doing so supporting some great causes. A special thank you also to Pan, for volunteering her podiatry knowledge and expertise during Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane.

If you would like specific assessment and podiatry advice for prevention of blisters, or for advice on how to prevent an old injury from being triggered during a trailwalking event, make an appointment with Entire Podiatry in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Call your closest clinic directly or Freecall 1800-368473 (that’s 1800-4-ENTIRE).

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