If you’re one of the 1096 walkers who weathered the cold during the Oxfam Trailwalker in Brisbane, then you may still be feeling the effects of a few painful blisters. So what’s the best way to help your blisters to heal and prevent any ongoing infection issues?
Podiatrist Pan Jayasinghe was one of the podiatrists from Entire Podiatry who generously volunteered her time to help walkers with blister issues during the event.
For help with management of post-event blisters, read our tips below:
- Infection poses the biggest risk associated with blisters. In caring for any blisters on your feet, it’s important to maintain cleanliness by regularly washing your feet with antibacterial soap and tepid water.
- If you have any broken blisters, apply an antiseptic solution (e.g. Betadine) and a dry dressing over the area. Try to avoid letting the area become macerated (soggy) by keeping your feet dry and changing dressings regularly including after showering.
- If you have any unbroken blisters, it’s best to leave these alone to allow healing of deeper tissues. This applies to both clear and blood blisters. Try to avoid exposing the area to pressure and keep the area dry. Apply antiseptic solution and dry dressings regularly. It can take up to 6 weeks for the underlying skin to heal completely.
- Seek emergency medical care if you notice any rapidly spreading infection, particularly if a red streaking is noted moving through the foot or leg. This can be a sign of cellulitis which is a serious deep tissue infection requiring immediate treatment.
In addition to blisters, overuse injuries are common after walking such long distances as in the Oxfam Trailwalker event. If you are experiencing any arch, heel or ankle pain following the event, or if you have sustained a lower leg sprain or tendonitis injury, it’s recommended that you visit a podiatrist for further advice.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane, helping to raise more than $750,000 in support of people living in poverty around the world.
If you would like specific assessment and podiatry advice for management of blisters, or for advice on a specific injury issue, make an appointment with Entire Podiatry in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Call your closest clinic directly or freecall 1800-368473.