What is KeryFlex?
KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a painless cosmetic treatment applied in our clinics to immediately improve the appearance of your nails.
At Entire Podiatry our podiatrists are trained in the application of KeryFlex to remodel your damaged nail. KeryFlex is made from a composite resin to create a flexible, non-porous but durable nail which attaches to your natural nail. This ‘artificial’ nail will grow out with your natural nail beneath. The KeryFlex nail is unaffected by acetone,
KeryFlex can be used in the short term as a cosmetic ‘fix’ if your nail has been damaged. It is also used for those who have permanent nail pathology, which is unable to be treated such as nail fungus, nail defects, thickening, discolouration or trauma. Whilst KeryFlex is not designed to ‘heal’ any nail pathology it can be applied over the nail to give a natural healthy look to the nail.
Do all your toenails need some TLC? Want to get your feet ready for summer sandals? Then you may also like to book a medical pedicure at the same time as your Keryflex. Read more about what is included in a medi pedi.
What is Keryflex used for?
Keryflex is a nail repair treatment which is used to improve the appearance of your nails for a variety of conditions:
- To repair or fix a broken nail
- To repair a split toenail
- To repair damaged nails
- As a
fungal nail repair treatment
It’s important to note that KeryFlex toenail treatment is not an antifungal therapy. However if you have an infected toenail, KeryFlex can be used to improve the cosmetic appearance of this nail. This is particularly useful when fungal treatment has failed or is not suitable.
In fact, you can use the KeryFlex treatment while taking antifungal tablets. This can be a great way to improve the cosmetic appearance of the toenail whilst the infection itself is being treated.
We do not recommend KeryFlex is used during the laser therapy or topical treatments for
KeryFlex is different to a nail repair glue as it forms a complete new artificial nail over the top of the nail rather than trying to super glue the cracked nail together. This works especially well if there is a large portion of the chipped nail that is missing and the nail cannot simply be ‘glued together’. The KeryFlex nail will sit on the top of the original nail and will fill in the space of any chipped or missing nail.
How is KeryFlex treatment different to acrylic nails?
One of the unique features of keryFlex is that it is not rigid like acrylic nails and instead is flexible which means it bends with your natural nail. It is also non-porous which means it will not allow moisture to permeate through the nail and sit between the KeryFlex nail and the natural nail.
It is not uncommon for a fungal infection to develop beneath an acrylic nail. This happens because air and moisture sits between the nail and the acrylic nail allowing an infection to take hold and thrive. As the KeryFlex nail is non-porous, this does not occur.
We have had patients who have had their natural nail rip off and tear away after the use of acrylic nails. If this occurs, Keryflex can be the best way to repair nails after acrylics. The Keryflex nail will improve the cosmetic appearance of the injured, chipped or torn nail as it grows out.
Is Keryflex OK for everyone?
Yes Keryflex is perfectly fine for men, women, children, anyone.
KeryFlex however should not be used on individuals with peripheral vascular disease, arterial insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, nursing or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients.
Contact us, if you are concerned or would like to check if KeryFlex Nail Restoration is right for you.
Will men find the new nail colour OK?
Some men have expressed some concern that the colour of the Keryflex nail doesn’t quite match their other nails. It is more opaque or slightly pink and their other nails may have yellowed or darkened with age, so the new nail looks brighter and more obvious.
This is something that you will get used to in time and you can wear closed-toe shoes or sandals in the meantime.
If you are younger or have kids or grandkids, you would know of the growing trend that men are becoming more comfortable with wearing
If you have a favourite sports team, you could paint your nail/nails in your team’s colours, or get some professional nail art done and feature something comical or your favourite things.
You don’t have to do the whole foot. You could just cover that one nail. Make that nail stand out and it can then become a talking point, not something to be embarrassed about. In fact, you should be proud of the fact you are looking after your feet and health.
Is KeryFlex safe?
Keryflex is a safe treatment. There are certain contraindications including peripheral vascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, certain pigmented lesions or in-grown nails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients.
How long does it last?
It is recommended to have the Keryflex reapplied every 6-8 weeks, however this will depend on the natural growth of your nail. The Keryflex nail can be filed down if it gets too long between visits, however it is recommended that the Keryflex nail is not cut or clipped.
If I have no nail at all does Keryflex work?
Keryflex does not bind to skin, therefore, you will need to have at least 15% of the natural nail present for the Keryflex to bind sufficiently. Contact us today for a confidential discussion.
How much does Keryflex cost?
The cost of Keryflex application is the cost of our standard appointment fee plus a price per nail. You may also like to have a medical pedicure with your Keryflex treatment.
View Keryflex and medical pedicure pricing on the Entire Podiatry Price List. Entire Podiatry is a part of the Bupa Members First Network and HCF. Members pay less for the consultation component.
Contact us if you have any further questions, or book an appointment online here.