Laser podiatry for fungal nail problems
80-85% of patients show significant nail improvement after our GenesisPlus laser treatment Book An AppointmentAdvanced laser podiatry services – The first in Queensland
Entire Podiatry were the first clinic in Queensland to introduce the Cutera Genesis Plus laser for the treatment for podiatric conditions such as fungal nails and warts. We have years of experience and achieved exceptional results.
Entire Podiatry was established by Brisbane-based podiatrist, Chris Hope in 2000. Entire Podiatry has since grown to include a qualified and highly skilled team of over 8 podiatrists across 10 Queensland clinics, proudly providing our patients the latest research-based treatment options for foot and lower leg conditions.
Entire Podiatry is a registered Health Practitioner, licensed by QLD Health to provide laser treatments. In addition, all podiatrists in the Robina and City clinics are accredited Laser Safety Officers, having completed a Class IV Laser and Intense Pulse Light Safety Course approved by the Queensland Health Department. By completing this course, Entire Podiatry also meets the requirements for the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency APHRA and the Podiatry Board of Australia.

Qualified laser technicians in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast
Our qualified laser safety podiatrists are located at our Brisbane CBD and Gold Coast clinics. We are here to help you understand the treatment options and achieve results.
Request a call prior to your first appointment to discuss your podiatry needs. We look forward to talking with you.
Robina – Easy T Medical Centre
42 Scottsdale Drive
Robina Q 4226
f.07 5575 8906
Laser therapy is an exciting new technology that improves the available treatment options for people with fungal nail
What is fungal nail ?
Fungal nail refers to a fungal infection of the nail (onychomycosis), which is more common in the toenails than in the fingernails. The body normally hosts a variety of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. Some of these are useful to the body, while others can multiply rapidly and form infections.
What is GenesisPlus laser treatment?
A new and exciting technology is now available for the treatment of stubborn
In contrast, Entire Podiatry’s GenesisPlus laser has an 80-85% success rate, even higher if you catch the problem early. Clear nail growth can be observed following just three laser treatments that take approximately 15 minutes each.
How does the GenesisPlus work?
Laser light from the Genesis Plus passes through the nail and the surrounding tissue. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the fungi, which causes the pigment to heat to 40 to 42 degrees Celsius. This heat kills or damages the fungal organism, and can subsequently result in your nail growing normally.
What can you expect?
The GenesisPlus procedure involves passing the laser beam over the infected nails and surrounding skin. Your physician will repeat this several times until enough energy has reached the nail bed. Your nail will feel warm during the procedure. Most patients describe the procedure as being very comfortable. Some may experience a small hot pinch that resolves quickly.

Want to know more?
Watch the video below or download our free guide on the GenesisPlus laser treatment
Receive instant access to a free, 8 page pdf explaining:
- How the GenesisPlus laser works
- What to expect during treatment
- Estimate of costs
- Tips for after care

Watch our video explaining how laser treatment can help you beat fungal nail problems quickly and painlessly.
Book a consultation with a laser qualified podiatrist
Fill in the form below for an initial consultation at either the Brisbane CBD, North Lakes or Gold Coast clinic. Our friendly and experienced team will talk through the treatment options, discuss any concerns and determine whether it is the right solution for your circumstances. Appointments are subject to availability.