Does Cantharidin Or Beetlejuice Get Rid Of Warts?
At Entire Podiatry we like to provide options for the treatment of warts. Â Cantharidin, also known as beetle juice, found in Cantharone Plus, can be used to treat warts. It binds to the wart’s cell membrane, causing acantholysis, which leads to blistering and wart removal.
Here is a guide on purchasing the product and what the treatment involves when you visit Entire Podiatry.
1. General information about warts:
Warts are skin growths caused by viruses and can appear anywhere on the body. They may spread through direct or indirect contact. While often harmless, they can be unsightly and sometimes painful depending upon the location. There are many different options for warts and each method has its benefits and drawbacks. The choice of treatment may depend on the wart’s location, size, number, pain tolerance and response to previous treatments.
2. What is Cantharidin and how does it work?
Cantharidin is a topical treatment derived from the blister beetle. Â Cantharone Plus is a product available in a compounded formula with a mixture of cantharidin, podophyllin resin and salicylic acid. Â When the medication is applied it forms a blister beneath the wart within 24 hours. The blisters may be painful, itchy and inflamed.
3. Side effects with Cantharone Plus
Common Side Effects:
- Blistering
- Pain or discomfort at the application site
- Itching
- Temporary pigmentation changes
Rare Side Effects:
- Infection at the application side
- Allergic reactions
4. How to purchase Cantharidin
If you are interested in having our podiatrists apply the Cantharone Plus, make sure to follow the purchasing instructions provided by Entire Podiatry. It is also recommended to have an initial consultation at one of our clinics so that a more thorough examination can be performed and confirmation that you have a wart before proceeding. Cantharadin must be prescribed by your doctor. Ask your doctor to note on the prescription that it will be used by a podiatrist. The product can then be purchased, either online or by visiting specific compounding pharmacies.
5. What to expect during your appointment
At Entire Podiatry, a podiatrist will debride your wart, which is usually painless, then apply Cantharidin and bandage the area. We will provide detailed instructions and a follow-up appointment.
6. How big an area can be treated?
Generally, each application is applied to an area no larger than 1-2cm at one time. For larger warts or clusters the treatment area is divided over multiple sessions to ensure safety and effectiveness.
7. Treatment frequency
The number of treatments required can vary depending upon the size, location and stubbornness of the wart. Typically multiple treatments are needed, spaced a couple of weeks apart. In some cases, more treatments may be necessary, particularly for larger or more resistant warts. During your consultation, our podiatrists will assess your condition and provide a more personalised treatment plan.
8. Insurance coverage
Consultation fees are charged per visit and you may need to check with your private health fund.
9. Costs to consider
Consider the cost of the doctor’s appointment to obtain the prescription, the Cantharidin medication from the pharmacy, and podiatry fees based on the number of required consultations.
Alternative Plantar Wart Treatments
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