A common foot complaint is related to a build-up of hard skin on the inside of the big toe. This is often accompanied by a strange ‘numb’ or tingling sensation in the area. This hard skin is a called a callus and this tends to develop in response to biomechanical issues and stresses within the feet.
Bunions, big toe arthritis and having ‘flat feet’ all change the way that our feet function. These conditions cause a rigid big toe that does not bend properly during walking gait. The body then compensates for this rigidity by forcing the foot to roll to the inside of the big toe, instead of over it.
This causes the skin at the inside of the big toe to get pinched. The body responds to this constant pinching by thickening the skin- this creates the callus. This improper foot function can also pinch and irritate the nerves within the foot. This can cause a tingling/numb feeling at the inside of the big toe.
Treatment for this callus is very easily carried out by one of our podiatrists where the callus is painlessly removed with a surgical blade. Incorrect footwear sizing and fit can also pinch the side of the foot, which can worsen the callus. Your podiatrist will assess your shoes to determine if they are contributing to the development of this callus.
There are a number of measures you can take to ensure your foot is functioning optimally to reduce this callus build-up and numbness.
Wearing arch support and supportive, sturdy shoes will encourage the big toe to function optimally and flexibly. Arch support reduces the degree to which the foot rolls inwards. Good arch support and study shoes will transfer pressure off the inside of the big toe joint. This should reduce the callus build-up and take the pressure off the nerve, which will relieve the neural symptoms.
A pair of custom foot orthotics is a highly effective way of improving the mechanics of the big toe, improving your gait pattern and reducing pathology. Click here for more information on custom foot orthotics.