What do Shin Splints feel like?
If you have Shin Splints you will usually feel pain or tenderness on the inside of the shin (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) or on the front or outside of the lower leg (Anterior Tibial Stress Syndrome). The area may also be sore to touch and occasionally the overlying skin can be red and inflamed.
If you are a runner or play running sports, the pain is often worse at the start of a run but it tends to improve or disappear during the run as your muscles loosen up. The pain is often bad again the following morning.
In more severe and chronic (long-standing) cases of Shin Splints the pain may not ease after warming up. In chronic cases you may also notice symptoms during other activities such as walking and climbing stairs.
Do I have Shin Splints?
If you have shin splints you will usually feel pain or tenderness on the inside of the shin (medial) or on the front of the shin (anterior). If you are a runner, you will probably notice pain is worst at the start of a run and may disappear during the run as your muscles loosen up. However in more severe cases, the pain may not ease and you may also notice symptoms during other weight bearing activities such as walking and climbing stairs.
Where does the shin splint pain occur?
Broadly, there are two different regions where you may experience pain along your shin.
- Anterior (front) Shin Splints
- Posterior (back) Shin Splints
Whilst these two conditions share similarities they are slightly different. At Entire Podiatry we will thoroughly assess your pain to develop an accurate and specific diagnosis and develop targeted treatment.
Anterior Shin Splints
Anterior Shin Splints is the term used to describe shin pain affecting the front border of your shin bone or outside of the lower leg. Anterior Shin Splints involve a muscle called your tibialis anterior. This muscle is an important muscle for walking and running. This muscle is used when you lift and ‘swing’ your foot as you walk. It is also used when you lower your foot back down to the ground. If this muscle gets overused it can cause pain and discomfort.
You can get pain in the muscle belly where tightness and painful ‘knots’ can develop or you may experience pain where this muscle attaches to the shinbone. Pain from anterior Shin Splints is referred to as Anterior Tibial Stress Syndrome (ATSS).
Posterior Shin Splints
Posterior Shin Splints affect a different area of the shinbone. The pain of posterior Shin Splints affects the more inner bony border of the tibia, towards the inside of your calf. The muscles involved in posterior Shin Splints are primarily your tibialis posterior and your soleus.
Both these muscles generate power as you walk by lifting your heel off the ground and ‘pushing’ you forward. They also control pronation. i.e. they work hard to reduce how much your feet roll-in/pronate. If either of these muscles are overused you can experience pain and tightness the muscles themselves, where painful ‘knots’ can develop. Or you may develop pain and inflammation where these muscles attach to the shinbone. Pain from posterior Shin Splints is referred to as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) or “Tibial Fasciitis”.