The sinus tarsi is a small canal that sits at the front of the ankle, towards the outside of the foot. You will feel a small depression here if you feel around the area.
A number of sensitive tissues are located inside this canal such as ligaments, blood vessels and nerves.
Pain can develop in this area when the small opening is compressed and the structures inside are squeezed. The sinus tarsi can become compressed following an ankle sprain or it can become compressed by having a ‘flat foot’. If your foot is excessively pronated or ‘flat’ it puts lots of pressure at this area.
Treatment involves rest and anti-inflammatory measures. Mobilisation of the ankle can help to restore movement. Correcting poor biomechanics such as excessive pronation or ‘flattening’ of the foot is important to reduce the ‘squeeze’.
This can be achieved through appropriate footwear, orthotics or taping.