Pan Jayasinghe completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Podiatry) at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2012, and has been working with Entire Podiatry since this time, providing podiatry services at our Strathpine, Kippa Ring and North Lakes clinics. Pan enjoys using her podiatry expertise to improve whole body function, treating pain from the feet up. As a keen sportswoman, Pan is particularly passionate about sports podiatry and helping patients with injury prevention and exercise enhancing mobility regimes. She plays Queensland Women’s Grade Cricket for Sandgate-Redcliffe (‘Go the Gators!’), and volunteers her podiatry skills with events like the Brisbane Oxfam Trailwalker and Gold Coast Kokoda Challenges.
Early in 2020, Pan and fellow podiatrist Jesslyn Kee, volunteered their time, travelling to Nepal where they helped build a classroom to house 90 children. Entire Podiatry donated towards books for the children. They also made it to Everest Base Camp. Both were amazing achievements.
Pan Jayasinghe’s Patient Reviews
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