Our comprehensive podiatry services help to ensure that your residents’ feet stay healthy, and we can also assist with maintaining relevant facility accreditation standards.
Our aged care services
Some of the aged care services we offer include:
- Comprehensive podiatry assessment and development of individual care plans
- Regular podiatry treatment, coordinated following assessment and according to individual needs
- Regular reviews of resident podiatry care plans
- Use of bagged sterile equipment and dressings; we bring all our own equipment onsite
- Tracking of all items sterilised and all documentation recorded in accordance with current Australian Standards (AS/NZS4185)
- Provision of current documentation, including registrations, certifications, police checks, statutory declarations and public liability details
- Frequent communication with staff to coordinate optimum podiatry care for your residents
- Free training for your staff regarding podiatry services and identification of foot care needs
We also offer a home visiting service for anyone in our community who may have difficulty attending one of our clinics.
If you would like more information about how we can assist with ensuring foot health for residents at an aged care facility, or for a loved one in their own home, we would love to hear from you. Please email [email protected], Freecall 1800-4-ENTIRE, or contact our nearest clinic directly.